It seems that Samsung has finally come to its senses. While some Android users are waiting for their Android 6.0 Marshmallow update just for the sake of being on the latest Android version, some of Samsung’s faithful might have a lot more riding on that update. A video of what is allegedly Android 6.0.1 running on a Galaxy S6 edge reveals that Samsung may have tucked in lots more functionality in curved edge, potentially making what is just a fancy design into something truly useful and perhaps even desirable.
There is no arguing that the Galaxy S6 edge and its larger Galaxy S6 edge+ sibling are beautiful pieces of smartphone hardware thanks to those curved edges on both sides. While they do have some functionality to speak of, it’s not that much, especially compared to the not so pretty Galaxy Note Edge, which actually had more uses for that small strip of screen real estate.
Come Android Marshmallow, however, Samsung might be dishing out features in spades. The update brings not just one, not just two, not even just three but more than 6 new panels to the side edge. That includes a My Apps for recently used apps, Task for commonly used apps, Quick Tools, S Planner, Weather, Twitter, Yahoo, and Sports.
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